Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Heading to Grad School

Here is the last of my Asian inspired work, which I used in my portfolio to apply to graduate schools. 

This watercolor pays respect to three of most spiritually and atmospherically gorgeous days, in which I spent traveling through Cambodia.

Here is a pencil study of a Korean Toe mask and a Japanese Hanya mask over a stylized background.

This oil painting is a representation of the vibrant Korean culture and my reflective time there.

 Paying tribute to the gorgeous silk screen paintings present in Gyeongbuk Palace in Seoul is this pastel drawing.

From the most scenic and spiritually cleansing hike I've ever head, this is an image of Bemeosa temple in Busan, South Korea

I shot this photo to show the relationship between South Korea's connection between its culturally rich history and its thriving contemporary urban life. This is Gyeongbuk Palace against one of the many skylines of Seoul, South Korea.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

Thank you to my student Erik, who was a soldier of a model during a figure drawing demo in my Comics class. I'll be putting up several more images once I've got my graduate portfolio worked up! This may or may not be included... I'll see how it fits.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

July 18 At The Met

Dallas Higgins and 3 other performances will be playing a gig July 18 in Pawtucket RI's At The Met. Below is the poster work I did for the event.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Farewell to a Symbolic Korea

Below is a large charcoal drawing of a Korean dragon head inspired by the tile below it. Tiles like this can often be found on the walls surrounding Korean palaces, traditional houses, and temples. In Korea dragons are viewed as benevolent creatures while still a symbol of strength.

Having recently returned from my time in South Korea I feel a very close tie to both this drawing and the country in which I began it - to say the least.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Peace of Mind Counseling Fundraiser: March 16, 2012

My sister, Mrs. Sarah Emmons, will be hosting a fundraiser for her new mental health counseling practice to be opened with her coworker Ms. Sarah Gallow. Here is the flyer I was asked to produce in support, which contains a potential new logo.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Keeping the Flash Coming

I'll get everything scanned when I return to the States in 2 months, but for now I just want to keep the art coming! I've still got 4 more of these, an oil painting to finish, and a few other projects in the works to knock off before I leave South Korea! I'm determined to land my apprenticeship once I get back.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Another Watercolor Flash Piece

This one's a little more simple than my usual style, but it doesn't hurt to diversify and get some practice in. I'm anticipating the next flash pieces that will be done in ink and colored pencil will be a great step forward from all my previous flash work. The time has come to get more professional than ever. When I return home to the States I will be adamantly seeking a high level apprenticeship.

Friday, September 16, 2011

An update from Busan, South Korea

South Korea has got some historically beautiful art throughout the palaces, temples, and surprisingly some exceptional street art. The first picture is my latest tattoo flash piece inspired by the Ta masks used in traditional Korean plays. This is a mask of the 'aristocrat.' The second image is my pencil guide for oil painting I'm about to do on that ~32"x24" canvas, which I'll be posting in a few weeks when I finish!

I think I need to find a print shop around that has an employee who speaks English huh? I could use some quality scans.

I've been trying to include my art into my lessons to teach English as well, which the students love! Photoshop work, sketches, watercolor images, etc. For the 3rd and final round of the open class contest in Busan I'm doing a lesson on.....drumroll... Halloween! Of course. I'll be doing some hopefully pretty solid/lively work for the class so that should be up by the time of the class on October 24th.

NickJPrado@gmail.com - if you've got any comments, requests, or opportunities!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happens all the Time Cover

Here's the newly finished cover for Mark Chauppetta's book, Happens all the Time. As I'm leaving TOMORROW for Korea, this will be my last piece from the States. Anything further on this blog for the next year will be from abroad! Looking forward to see what is going to influence me!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fun Narrative Illustrations for Mark Chauppetta

Here's an example of a few of the illustrations I've done for Mark Chaupetta's book, Happens All the Time. The book is a biographical account of Mark's experience as a Private Investigator often hired to catch spouses committing adultery. A possible cover illustration may be coming soon.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A wedding painting and a villainous Thanksgiving (bad resolution sorry)

My sister was wedded on October 8th of this year, and I honorably served as one of five groomsmen. The first painting was a custom wedding gift to the two newlyweds, who were fortunate enough - the jerks - to go to Jamaica for their honeymoon. The painting ties in great amounts of personal symbolism in their marriage including the Earth's orbital position on the day of the wedding.
The second painting was started simply as a joke after making an unusual pessimistic comment on Thanksgiving. No great tale is without its great villain!
My apologies for the low resolution. I just took a picture of each with a basic digital camera. I'll get full quality images soon.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Having a bit of fun

This started a few months back while having some fun in my sketchbook, and recently I thought to do an ink version.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kimchi, Comic Books, Halloween, and a Wedding; I LOVE AUTUMN!

So here's what I've been up to: 

Applying to teach English in South Korea for 12 months (starting this February) partly inspired by my fantastic and eye opening trip to Beijing/Tongliao last December to see my good friend teach in China. (pictured above)

I've been teaching my students at Southeastern Vocational to draw comics and even dabbling a bit myself to constructively lead the students. So very soon you will see Sasquatch and his golfing buddies, Pat and Gim. 

This past Friday my sister was wed and I created a unique painting as a gift that will be posted soon. 

As Halloween is my favorite holiday EVER, I'm making an illustration just in the spirit of the month.

This autumn's work will be put up soon!

Some New Tattoo Flash

Here'a a taste of the new flash set I've been all too leisurely working on.

Bangkok Rules demo cover revisited

I may be doing some more work for the band, Bangkok Rules, but for now I can finally show everyone a touched up version of my original illustration.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New England's College Battle of the Bands Winner: Bangkok Rules


 Very recently I had the chance to do some artwork for the band, 'Bangkok Rules' out of the Berklee College of Music. Here's a look at the piece I did for the band, and I definitely encourage everyone to check out their myspace page and/or catch them live. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tattoo Art/Flash

Tattoos are a beautiful way to decorate your body and make your outer appearance just as unique as your inside (although I'm sure you're unique and beautiful without tattoos). But for those of you who do or would like to have some ink done, contact me. I am aiming to find an apprenticeship for tattooing, and would love to take some time to practice and design you some flash. Here's some of my flash set, and I'll post some more as I produce them.

More Artwork to Come

So, I've learned how difficult it truly is to create and manage a site on Dreamweaver. It'll take some time and a lot of frustration, but NickPrado.com will be up and running in the near future. When it is up I'll be able to finally send out my mailers and business cards that lead Art Directors or anyone to the site. I'm sure if you're viewing this now, you're a friend or have heard of me through word of mouth. So feel free to give some comments on what you see on this blog. I want this page to be more informal and friendly than a website with a more professional feel. This here is the beginning of my professional career as an Illustrator, so it will take time, but after a while, this blog, my website, and my work will be getting better and better. So stick with me and keep checking out my work. As soon as I draw them, I'll be scanning and posting them for you. So keep visiting!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Some more...

Starting it all up

Thanks to everyone who stops by to check out some of my art!